Hey, moi c’est Mathilde, directrice artistique et graphiste freelance. Actuellement basée à Tokyo, je suis à la recherche de missions remote. Bien que spécialisée dans le branding et l’édition, je m’intéresse aussi à la photographie et au motion design. Curieuse et patiente, je suis de près les nouvelles technologies et fonctionnalités liées à l’intelligence artificielle, et aime débloquer de nouvelles skills. N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute collaboration !

Hi, my name is Mathilde. I am a French freelance Art Director and Graphic Designer. Currently living in Tokyo, I am looking for work opportunities all around the world. Even though I mostly master branding and editorial design, I also enjoy photography and motion design. Curious and patient, I am interested about new technologies and eager to unlock new skills. Don’t hesitate to reach me out for any collaboration!




Content creation

Adobe suite


Motion design


Work experience

2017 – Brief Agency
Communication agency based in Paris. I worked mainly on designing page layout and creating visual content like pictograms.

2019 – Monument Agency
Parisian creative agency dedicated exclusively to fashion and lifestyle brands. I took part in various projects (development of advertising campaigns, content creation for social media, textile design, photo shoot, page layout, creation of logos and patterns).

Since 2020 – Freelance art director
Working on illustration and branding projects for several clients.

2021 – Le Point magazine
Weekly newspaper wellknown in France. Currently working here, I mostly make page layout for the printed magazine and photomontage for the cover, but also develop web banners and advertisings for the website (self-promotion, special editions), and create visuals for internal events.


Education & certification

2019 – Laval University
Erasmus in Quebec (CA) for 4 months. Complementary courses in design thinking, packaging, social design and marketing.

2020 – ESAG Penninghen
Master’s Degree in Art Direction with honours. 360° formation with courses in visual communication (branding, page layout, typography, illustration, photography, etc.) and digital design (video, motion design, web design).



Objects & home design